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Matrix targets

A matrix strategy lets you fork a single target into multiple different variants, based on parameters that you specify. This works in a similar way to Matrix strategies for GitHub Actions. You can use this to reduce duplication in your Bake definition.

The matrix attribute is a map of parameter names to lists of values. Bake builds each possible combination of values as a separate target.

Each generated target must have a unique name. To specify how target names should resolve, use the name attribute.

The following example resolves the app target to app-foo and app-bar. It also uses the matrix value to define the target build stage.

target "app" {
  name = "app-${tgt}"
  matrix = {
    tgt = ["foo", "bar"]
  target = tgt
$ docker buildx bake --print app
[+] Building 0.0s (0/0)
  "group": {
    "app": {
      "targets": [
    "default": {
      "targets": [
  "target": {
    "app-bar": {
      "context": ".",
      "dockerfile": "Dockerfile",
      "target": "bar"
    "app-foo": {
      "context": ".",
      "dockerfile": "Dockerfile",
      "target": "foo"

Multiple axes

You can specify multiple keys in your matrix to fork a target on multiple axes. When using multiple matrix keys, Bake builds every possible variant.

The following example builds four targets:

  • app-foo-1-0
  • app-foo-2-0
  • app-bar-1-0
  • app-bar-2-0
target "app" {
  name = "app-${tgt}-${replace(version, ".", "-")}"
  matrix = {
    tgt = ["foo", "bar"]
    version = ["1.0", "2.0"]
  target = tgt
  args = {
    VERSION = version

Multiple values per matrix target

If you want to differentiate the matrix on more than just a single value, you can use maps as matrix values. Bake creates a target for each map, and you can access the nested values using dot notation.

The following example builds two targets:

  • app-foo-1-0
  • app-bar-2-0
target "app" {
  name = "app-${item.tgt}-${replace(item.version, ".", "-")}"
  matrix = {
    item = [
        tgt = "foo"
        version = "1.0"
        tgt = "bar"
        version = "2.0"
  target = item.tgt
  args = {
    VERSION = item.version