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Variables in Bake

You can define and use variables in a Bake file to set attribute values, interpolate them into other values, and perform arithmetic operations. Variables can be defined with default values, and can be overridden with environment variables.

Using variables as attribute values

Use the variable block to define a variable.

variable "TAG" {
  default = ""

The following example shows how to use the TAG variable in a target.

target "webapp" {
  context = "."
  dockerfile = "Dockerfile"
  tags = [ TAG ]

Interpolate variables into values

Bake supports string interpolation of variables into values. You can use the ${} syntax to interpolate a variable into a value. The following example defines a TAG variable with a value of latest.

variable "TAG" {
  default = "latest"

To interpolate the TAG variable into the value of an attribute, use the ${TAG} syntax.

group "default" {
  targets = [ "webapp" ]

variable "TAG" {
  default = "latest"

target "webapp" {
  context = "."
  dockerfile = "Dockerfile"
  tags = ["${TAG}"]

Printing the Bake file with the --print flag shows the interpolated value in the resolved build configuration.

$ docker buildx bake --print
  "group": {
    "default": {
      "targets": ["webapp"]
  "target": {
    "webapp": {
      "context": ".",
      "dockerfile": "Dockerfile",
      "tags": [""]

Validating variables

To verify that the value of a variable conforms to an expected type, value range, or other condition, you can define custom validation rules using the validation block.

In the following example, validation is used to enforce a numeric constraint on a variable value; the PORT variable must be 1024 or higher.

# Define a variable `PORT` with a default value and a validation rule
variable "PORT" {
  default = 3000  # Default value assigned to `PORT`

  # Validation block to ensure `PORT` is a valid number within the acceptable range
  validation {
    condition = PORT >= 1024  # Ensure `PORT` is at least 1024
    error_message = "The variable 'PORT' must be 1024 or higher."  # Error message for invalid values

If the condition expression evaluates to false, the variable value is considered invalid, whereby the build invocation fails and error_message is emitted. For example, if PORT=443, the condition evaluates to false, and the error is raised.

Values are coerced into the expected type before the validation is set. This ensures that any overrides set with environment variables work as expected.

Validate multiple conditions

To evaluate more than one condition, define multiple validation blocks for the variable. All conditions must be true.

Here’s an example:

# Define a variable `VAR` with multiple validation rules
variable "VAR" {
  # First validation block: Ensure the variable is not empty
  validation {
    condition = VAR != ""
    error_message = "The variable 'VAR' must not be empty."

  # Second validation block: Ensure the value contains only alphanumeric characters
  validation {
    # VAR and the regex match must be identical:
    condition = VAR == regex("[a-zA-Z0-9]+", VAR)
    error_message = "The variable 'VAR' can only contain letters and numbers."

This example enforces:

  • The variable must not be empty.
  • The variable must match a specific character set.

For invalid inputs like VAR="hello@world", the validation would fail.

Validating variable dependencies

You can reference other Bake variables in your condition expression, enabling validations that enforce dependencies between variables. This ensures that dependent variables are set correctly before proceeding.

Here’s an example:

# Define a variable `FOO`
variable "FOO" {}

# Define a variable `BAR` with a validation rule that references `FOO`
variable "BAR" {
  # Validation block to ensure `FOO` is set if `BAR` is used
  validation {
    condition = FOO != ""  # Check if `FOO` is not an empty string
    error_message = "The variable 'BAR' requires 'FOO' to be set."

This configuration ensures that the BAR variable can only be used if FOO has been assigned a non-empty value. Attempting to build without setting FOO will trigger the validation error.

Escape variable interpolation

If you want to bypass variable interpolation when parsing the Bake definition, use double dollar signs ($${VARIABLE}).

target "webapp" {
  dockerfile-inline = <<EOF
  FROM alpine
  RUN echo "Building for $${TARGETARCH/amd64/x64}"
  platforms = ["linux/amd64", "linux/arm64"]
$ docker buildx bake --progress=plain
#8 [linux/arm64 2/2] RUN echo "Building for arm64"
#8 0.036 Building for arm64
#8 DONE 0.0s

#9 [linux/amd64 2/2] RUN echo "Building for x64"
#9 0.046 Building for x64
#9 DONE 0.1s

Using variables in variables across files

When multiple files are specified, one file can use variables defined in another file. In the following example, the vars.hcl file defines a BASE_IMAGE variable with a default value of

variable "BASE_IMAGE" {
  default = ""

The following docker-bake.hcl file defines a BASE_LATEST variable that references the BASE_IMAGE variable.

variable "BASE_LATEST" {
  default = "${BASE_IMAGE}:latest"

target "webapp" {
  contexts = {
    base = BASE_LATEST

When you print the resolved build configuration, using the -f flag to specify the vars.hcl and docker-bake.hcl files, you see that the BASE_LATEST variable is resolved to

$ docker buildx bake -f vars.hcl -f docker-bake.hcl --print app
  "target": {
    "webapp": {
      "context": ".",
      "contexts": {
        "base": ""
      "dockerfile": "Dockerfile"

Additional resources

Here are some additional resources that show how you can use variables in Bake: