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windowsfilter storage driver

The windowsfilter storage driver is the default storage driver for Docker Engine on Windows. The windowsfilter driver uses Windows-native file system layers to for storing Docker layers and volume data on disk. The windowsfilter storage driver only works on file systems formatted with NTFS.

Configure the windowsfilter storage driver

For most use case, no configuring the windowsfilter storage driver is not necessary.

The default storage limit for Docker Engine on Windows is 127GB. To use a different storage size, set the size option for the windowsfilter storage driver. See windowsfilter options.

Data is stored on the Docker host in image and windowsfilter subdirectories within C:\ProgramData\docker by default. You can change the storage location by configuring the data-root option in the Daemon configuration file:

  "data-root": "d:\\docker"

You must restart the daemon for the configuration change to take effect.

Additional information

For more information about how container storage works on Windows, refer to Microsoft's Containers on Windows documentation.