Run your tests using Go test


Complete the Build your Go image section of this guide.


Testing is an essential part of modern software development. Testing can mean a lot of things to different development teams. There are unit tests, integration tests and end-to-end testing. In this guide you take a look at running your unit tests in Docker when building.

For this section, use the docker-gs-ping project that you cloned in Build your Go image.

Run tests when building

To run your tests when building, you need to add a test stage to the Dockerfile.multistage. The Dockerfile.multistage in the sample application's repository already has the following content:

# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1

# Build the application from source
FROM golang:1.19 AS build-stage


COPY go.mod go.sum ./
RUN go mod download

COPY *.go ./

RUN CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux go build -o /docker-gs-ping

# Run the tests in the container
FROM build-stage AS run-test-stage
RUN go test -v ./...

# Deploy the application binary into a lean image
FROM AS build-release-stage


COPY --from=build-stage /docker-gs-ping /docker-gs-ping


USER nonroot:nonroot

ENTRYPOINT ["/docker-gs-ping"]

Run the following command to build an image using the run-test-stage stage as the target and view the test results. Include --progress plain to view the build output, --no-cache to ensure the tests always run, and --target run-test-stage to target the test stage.

$ docker build -f Dockerfile.multistage -t docker-gs-ping-test --progress plain --no-cache --target run-test-stage .

You should see output containing the following.

#13 [run-test-stage 1/1] RUN go test -v ./...
#13 4.915 === RUN   TestIntMinBasic
#13 4.915 --- PASS: TestIntMinBasic (0.00s)
#13 4.915 === RUN   TestIntMinTableDriven
#13 4.915 === RUN   TestIntMinTableDriven/0,1
#13 4.915 === RUN   TestIntMinTableDriven/1,0
#13 4.915 === RUN   TestIntMinTableDriven/2,-2
#13 4.915 === RUN   TestIntMinTableDriven/0,-1
#13 4.915 === RUN   TestIntMinTableDriven/-1,0
#13 4.915 --- PASS: TestIntMinTableDriven (0.00s)
#13 4.915     --- PASS: TestIntMinTableDriven/0,1 (0.00s)
#13 4.915     --- PASS: TestIntMinTableDriven/1,0 (0.00s)
#13 4.915     --- PASS: TestIntMinTableDriven/2,-2 (0.00s)
#13 4.915     --- PASS: TestIntMinTableDriven/0,-1 (0.00s)
#13 4.915     --- PASS: TestIntMinTableDriven/-1,0 (0.00s)
#13 4.915 PASS

Next steps

In this section, you learned how to run tests when building your image. Next, you’ll learn how to set up a CI/CD pipeline using GitHub Actions.