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docker config create

DescriptionCreate a config from a file or STDIN
Usagedocker config create [OPTIONS] CONFIG file|-

Swarm This command works with the Swarm orchestrator.


Creates a config using standard input or from a file for the config content.

For detailed information about using configs, refer to store configuration data using Docker Configs.


This is a cluster management command, and must be executed on a Swarm manager node. To learn about managers and workers, refer to the Swarm mode section in the documentation.


-l, --labelConfig labels
--template-driverAPI 1.37+ Template driver


Create a config

$ printf <config> | docker config create my_config -


$ docker config ls

ID                          NAME                CREATED             UPDATED
onakdyv307se2tl7nl20anokv   my_config           6 seconds ago       6 seconds ago

Create a config with a file

$ docker config create my_config ./config.json


$ docker config ls

ID                          NAME                CREATED             UPDATED
dg426haahpi5ezmkkj5kyl3sn   my_config           7 seconds ago       7 seconds ago

Create a config with labels (-l, --label)

$ docker config create \
    --label env=dev \
    --label rev=20170324 \
    my_config ./config.json

$ docker config inspect my_config

        "ID": "eo7jnzguqgtpdah3cm5srfb97",
        "Version": {
            "Index": 17
        "CreatedAt": "2017-03-24T08:15:09.735271783Z",
        "UpdatedAt": "2017-03-24T08:15:09.735271783Z",
        "Spec": {
            "Name": "my_config",
            "Labels": {
                "env": "dev",
                "rev": "20170324"
            "Data": "aGVsbG8K"