docker scout cves

DescriptionDisplay CVEs identified in a software artifact
Usagedocker scout cves [OPTIONS] [IMAGE|DIRECTORY|ARCHIVE]


The docker scout cves command analyzes a software artifact for vulnerabilities.

If no image is specified, the most recently built image is used.

The following artifact types are supported:

  • Images
  • OCI layout directories
  • Tarball archives, as created by docker save
  • Local directory or file

By default, the tool expects an image reference, such as:

  • redis
  • curlimages/curl:7.87.0

If the artifact you want to analyze is an OCI directory, a tarball archive, a local file or directory, or if you want to control from where the image will be resolved, you must prefix the reference with one of the following:

  • image:// (default) use a local image, or fall back to a registry lookup
  • local:// use an image from the local image store (don't do a registry lookup)
  • registry:// use an image from a registry (don't use a local image)
  • oci-dir:// use an OCI layout directory
  • archive:// use a tarball archive, as created by docker save
  • fs:// use a local directory or file
  • sbom:// SPDX file or in-toto attestation file with SPDX predicate or syft json SBOM file In case of sbom:// prefix, if the file is not defined then it will try to read it from the standard input.


--detailsPrint details on default text output
--envName of environment
--epssDisplay the EPSS scores and organize the package's CVEs according to their EPSS score
--epss-percentileExclude CVEs with EPSS scores less than the specified percentile (0 to 1)
--epss-scoreExclude CVEs with EPSS scores less than the specified value (0 to 1)
-e, --exit-codeReturn exit code '2' if vulnerabilities are detected
--formatpackagesOutput format of the generated vulnerability report:
- packages: default output, plain text with vulnerabilities grouped by packages
- sarif: json Sarif output
- spdx: json SPDX output
- gitlab: json GitLab output
- markdown: markdown output (including some html tags like collapsible sections)
- sbom: json SBOM output
--ignore-baseFilter out CVEs introduced from base image
--ignore-suppressedFilter CVEs found in Scout exceptions based on the specified exception scope
--locationsPrint package locations including file paths and layer diff_id
--multi-stageShow packages from multi-stage Docker builds
--only-baseOnly show CVEs introduced by the base image
--only-cisa-kevFilter to CVEs listed in the CISA KEV catalog
--only-cve-idComma separated list of CVE ids (like CVE-2021-45105) to search for
--only-fixedFilter to fixable CVEs
--only-metricComma separated list of CVSS metrics (like AV:N or PR:L) to filter CVEs by
--only-packageComma separated regular expressions to filter packages by
--only-package-typeComma separated list of package types (like apk, deb, rpm, npm, pypi, golang, etc)
--only-severityComma separated list of severities (critical, high, medium, low, unspecified) to filter CVEs by
--only-stageComma separated list of multi-stage Docker build stage names
--only-unfixedFilter to unfixed CVEs
--only-vex-affectedFilter CVEs by VEX statements with status not affected
--only-vuln-packagesWhen used with --format=only-packages ignore packages with no vulnerabilities
--orgNamespace of the Docker organization
-o, --outputWrite the report to a file
--platformPlatform of image to analyze
--refReference to use if the provided tarball contains multiple references.
Can only be used with archive
--vex-authorList of VEX statement authors to accept
--vex-locationFile location of directory or file containing VEX statements


Display vulnerabilities grouped by package

$ docker scout cves alpine
Analyzing image alpine
✓ Image stored for indexing
✓ Indexed 18 packages
✓ No vulnerable package detected

Display vulnerabilities from a docker save tarball

$ docker save alpine > alpine.tar

$ docker scout cves archive://alpine.tar
Analyzing archive alpine.tar
✓ Archive read
✓ SBOM of image already cached, 18 packages indexed
✓ No vulnerable package detected

Display vulnerabilities from an OCI directory

$ skopeo copy --override-os linux docker://alpine oci:alpine

$ docker scout cves oci-dir://alpine
Analyzing OCI directory alpine
✓ OCI directory read
✓ Image stored for indexing
✓ Indexed 19 packages
✓ No vulnerable package detected

Display vulnerabilities from the current directory

$ docker scout cves fs://.

Export vulnerabilities to a SARIF JSON file

$ docker scout cves --format sarif --output alpine.sarif.json alpine
Analyzing image alpine
✓ SBOM of image already cached, 18 packages indexed
✓ No vulnerable package detected
✓ Report written to alpine.sarif.json

Display markdown output

The following example shows how to generate the vulnerability report as markdown.

$ docker scout cves --format markdown alpine
✓ Pulled
✓ SBOM of image already cached, 19 packages indexed
✗ Detected 1 vulnerable package with 3 vulnerabilities
<h2>:mag: Vulnerabilities of <code>alpine</code></h2>

<details open="true"><summary>:package: Image Reference</strong> <code>alpine</code></summary>
<tr><td>digest</td><td><code>sha256:e3bd82196e98898cae9fe7fbfd6e2436530485974dc4fb3b7ddb69134eda2407</code></td><tr><tr><td>vulnerabilities</td><td><img alt="critical: 0" src=""/> <img alt="high: 0" src=""/> <img alt="medium: 2" src=""/> <img alt="low: 0" src=""/> <img alt="unspecified: 1" src=""/></td></tr>
<tr><td>size</td><td>3.3 MB</td></tr>

List all vulnerable packages of a certain type

The following example shows how to generate a list of packages, only including packages of the specified type, and only showing packages that are vulnerable.

$ docker scout cves --format only-packages --only-package-type golang --only-vuln-packages golang:1.18.0
✓ Pulled
✓ SBOM of image already cached, 296 packages indexed
✗ Detected 1 vulnerable package with 40 vulnerabilities

Name   Version   Type         Vulnerabilities
stdlib  1.18     golang     2C    29H     8M     1L

Display EPSS score (--epss)

The --epss flag adds Exploit Prediction Scoring System (EPSS) scores to the docker scout cves output. EPSS scores are estimates of the likelihood (probability) that a software vulnerability will be exploited in the wild in the next 30 days. The higher the score, the greater the probability that a vulnerability will be exploited.

$ docker scout cves --epss nginx
 ✓ Provenance obtained from attestation
 ✓ SBOM obtained from attestation, 232 packages indexed
 ✓ Pulled
 ✗ Detected 23 vulnerable packages with a total of 39 vulnerabilities


 ✗ HIGH CVE-2023-52425
   Affected range  : >=2.5.0-1
   Fixed version   : not fixed
   EPSS Score      : 0.000510
   EPSS Percentile : 0.173680
  • EPSS Score is a floating point number between 0 and 1 representing the probability of exploitation in the wild in the next 30 days (following score publication).
  • EPSS Percentile is the percentile of the current score, the proportion of all scored vulnerabilities with the same or a lower EPSS score.

You can use the --epss-score and --epss-percentile flags to filter the output of docker scout cves based on these scores. For example, to only show vulnerabilities with an EPSS score higher than 0.5:

$ docker scout cves --epss --epss-score 0.5 nginx
 ✓ SBOM of image already cached, 232 packages indexed
 ✓ EPSS scores for 2024-03-01 already cached
 ✗ Detected 1 vulnerable package with 1 vulnerability


 ✗ LOW CVE-2023-44487
   Affected range  : >=1.22.1-9
   Fixed version   : not fixed
   EPSS Score      : 0.705850
   EPSS Percentile : 0.979410

EPSS scores are updated on a daily basis. By default, the latest available score is displayed. You can use the --epss-date flag to manually specify a date in the format yyyy-mm-dd for fetching EPSS scores.

$ docker scout cves --epss --epss-date 2024-01-02 nginx

List vulnerabilities from an SPDX file

The following example shows how to generate a list of vulnerabilities from an SPDX file using syft.

$ syft -o spdx-json alpine:3.16.1 | docker scout cves sbom://
 ✔ Pulled image
 ✔ Loaded image                                                                                                                              alpine:3.16.1
 ✔ Parsed image                                                                    sha256:3d81c46cd8756ddb6db9ec36fa06a6fb71c287fb265232ba516739dc67a5f07d
 ✔ Cataloged contents                                                                     274a317d88b54f9e67799244a1250cad3fe7080f45249fa9167d1f871218d35f
   ├── ✔ Packages                        [14 packages]
   ├── ✔ File digests                    [75 files]
   ├── ✔ File metadata                   [75 locations]
   └── ✔ Executables                     [16 executables]
    ✗ Detected 2 vulnerable packages with a total of 11 vulnerabilities