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Secrets top-level elements

Secrets are a flavor of Configs focusing on sensitive data, with specific constraint for this usage.

Services can only access secrets when explicitly granted by a secrets attribute within the services top-level element.

The top-level secrets declaration defines or references sensitive data that is granted to the services in your Compose application. The source of the secret is either file or environment.

  • file: The secret is created with the contents of the file at the specified path.
  • environment: The secret is created with the value of an environment variable on the host.

Example 1

server-certificate secret is created as <project_name>_server-certificate when the application is deployed, by registering content of the server.cert as a platform secret.

    file: ./server.cert

Example 2

token secret is created as <project_name>_token when the application is deployed, by registering the content of the OAUTH_TOKEN environment variable as a platform secret.

    environment: "OAUTH_TOKEN"

Additional resources

For more information, see How to use secrets in Compose.