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Configure Docker Scout with environment variables

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The following environment variables are available to configure the Docker Scout CLI commands, and the corresponding docker/scout-cli container image:

DOCKER_SCOUT_CACHE_FORMATStringFormat of the local image cache; can be oci or tar (default: oci)
DOCKER_SCOUT_CACHE_DIRStringDirectory where the local SBOM cache is stored (default: $HOME/.docker/scout)
DOCKER_SCOUT_NO_CACHEBooleanWhen set to true, disables the use of local SBOM cache
DOCKER_SCOUT_OFFLINEBooleanUse offline mode when indexing SBOM
DOCKER_SCOUT_REGISTRY_TOKENStringToken for authenticating to a registry when pulling images
DOCKER_SCOUT_REGISTRY_USERStringUsername for authenticating to a registry when pulling images
DOCKER_SCOUT_REGISTRY_PASSWORDStringPassword or personal access token for authenticating to a registry when pulling images
DOCKER_SCOUT_HUB_USERStringDocker Hub username for authenticating to the Docker Scout backend
DOCKER_SCOUT_HUB_PASSWORDStringDocker Hub password or personal access token for authenticating to the Docker Scout backend
DOCKER_SCOUT_NEW_VERSION_WARNBooleanWarn about new versions of the Docker Scout CLI
DOCKER_SCOUT_EXPERIMENTAL_WARNBooleanWarn about experimental features
DOCKER_SCOUT_EXPERIMENTAL_POLICY_OUTPUTBooleanDisable experimental output for policy evaluation

Offline mode

Under normal operation, Docker Scout cross-references external systems, such as npm, NuGet, or, to retrieve additional information about packages found in your image.

When DOCKER_SCOUT_OFFLINE is set to true, Docker Scout image analysis runs in offline mode. Offline mode means Docker Scout doesn't make outbound requests to external systems.

To use offline mode: