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Integrate Docker Scout with Microsoft Azure DevOps Pipelines

The following examples runs in an Azure DevOps-connected repository containing a Docker image's definition and contents. Triggered by a commit to the main branch, the pipeline builds the image and uses Docker Scout to create a CVE report.

First, set up the rest of the workflow and set up the variables available to all pipeline steps. Add the following to an azure-pipelines.yml file:

  - main

  - repo: self

  tag: "$(Build.BuildId)"
  image: "vonwig/nodejs-service"

This sets up the workflow to use a particular container image for the application and tag each new image build with the build ID.

Add the following to the YAML file:

  - stage: Build
    displayName: Build image
      - job: Build
        displayName: Build
          vmImage: ubuntu-latest
          - task: Docker@2
            displayName: Build an image
              command: build
              dockerfile: "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)/Dockerfile"
              repository: $(image)
              tags: |
          - task: CmdLine@2
            displayName: Find CVEs on image
              script: |
                # Install the Docker Scout CLI
                curl -sSfL | sh -s --
                # Login to Docker Hub required for Docker Scout CLI
                echo $(DOCKER_HUB_PAT) | docker login -u $(DOCKER_HUB_USER) --password-stdin
                # Get a CVE report for the built image and fail the pipeline when critical or high CVEs are detected
                docker scout cves $(image):$(tag) --exit-code --only-severity critical,high

This creates the flow mentioned previously. It builds and tags the image using the checked-out Dockerfile, downloads the Docker Scout CLI, and then runs the cves command against the new tag to generate a CVE report. It only shows critical or high-severity vulnerabilities.